Tools robbed from my van last night
Tools robbed from my van last night
First time I've had stuff stolen from my van. Between £2000-£3000 if new . They were 3-7 years old though. Garden tools like hedge cutters and top of the range stihl combi unit. Gutted. I realised when I went up to my van and door was closed but not entirely shut so unlocked.
Can't remember if I shut and locked it or not. The door is fine, is it possible to open a door without damaging it on Peugeot expert 2013?
If I'd got them into garage they'd been much safer. Can't work out if...
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by Keitai
This has been automatically posted in the DIYNot Forum on DIY Talk.
Tools robbed from my van last night
First time I've had stuff stolen from my van. Between £2000-£3000 if new . They were 3-7 years old though. Garden tools like hedge cutters and top of the range stihl combi unit. Gutted. I realised when I went up to my van and door was closed but not entirely shut so unlocked.
Can't remember if I shut and locked it or not. The door is fine, is it possible to open a door without damaging it on Peugeot expert 2013?
If I'd got them into garage they'd been much safer. Can't work out if...
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by Keitai
This has been automatically posted in the DIYNot Forum on DIY Talk.