Hey guys
This last year or so i have had a lot of work done in the garden, gone are overgrown bushes and instead i have a mix of bushes, hydrangeas and roses.
Everything is going fine (although my roses do not seem to realise it is autumn and are putting out fresh buds)
BUT! - we have a huge population of squirrels, a neighbour 2 doors away feeds them but does not have a garden of her own and they seem to constantly be burying nuts in my beds or digging huge holes (presumably because they...
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by Twils
This has been automatically posted in the DIYNot Forum on DIY Talk. The new DIY Forum
Hey guys
This last year or so i have had a lot of work done in the garden, gone are overgrown bushes and instead i have a mix of bushes, hydrangeas and roses.
Everything is going fine (although my roses do not seem to realise it is autumn and are putting out fresh buds)
BUT! - we have a huge population of squirrels, a neighbour 2 doors away feeds them but does not have a garden of her own and they seem to constantly be burying nuts in my beds or digging huge holes (presumably because they...
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by Twils
This has been automatically posted in the DIYNot Forum on DIY Talk. The new DIY Forum