Help changing bell 801 door entry handset to bell xl5
Help changing bell 801 door entry handset to bell xl5
Trying to up grade my phone from a bell 801 to xl5. Not sure what I'm doing wrong as have reconnected the wires to the letters matching the 801 and nothing is working. Any help would be much appreciated
This was the 801 wiring
This was the lx5. There is a V and L which wasn't on the 801
Temrnals seems to match so not sure why nothing is working onnthe xl5.
by chilli108
This has been automatically posted in the DIYNot Forum on DIY Talk. The new DIY Forum
Help changing bell 801 door entry handset to bell xl5
Trying to up grade my phone from a bell 801 to xl5. Not sure what I'm doing wrong as have reconnected the wires to the letters matching the 801 and nothing is working. Any help would be much appreciated
This was the 801 wiring
This was the lx5. There is a V and L which wasn't on the 801
Temrnals seems to match so not sure why nothing is working onnthe xl5.
by chilli108
This has been automatically posted in the DIYNot Forum on DIY Talk. The new DIY Forum