Damp Timber Joists between concrete - HELP
Damp Timber Joists between concrete - HELP
Lifted up the old laminate and found moisture underneath, mostly where the nails where within the floorboards.
Having got a damp proofing company round, they detected moisture within the floorboards and suggested the joists where the issue because they were in-between concrete and it was evident from the rusty nails. It looks like previously the potential suspended floor joists where filled with concrete now it looks like as per the picture (there not blocks)
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by christian777
This has been automatically posted in the DIYNot Forum on DIY Talk. The new DIY Forum
Damp Timber Joists between concrete - HELP
Lifted up the old laminate and found moisture underneath, mostly where the nails where within the floorboards.
Having got a damp proofing company round, they detected moisture within the floorboards and suggested the joists where the issue because they were in-between concrete and it was evident from the rusty nails. It looks like previously the potential suspended floor joists where filled with concrete now it looks like as per the picture (there not blocks)
Recommendation was to remove...
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by christian777
This has been automatically posted in the DIYNot Forum on DIY Talk. The new DIY Forum