Cooker control unit as spur for additional light circuit? by Greggerly

  • Thread starter Greggerly
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  • Views 13
Cooker control unit as spur for additional light circuit?

Cooker control unit as spur for additional light circuit?

Hi guys
Need some advice. I have wall lamps in my bedroom with cables running vertically down to the wall socket below. In order for this to be compliant I need a fused spur. However i can't add any boxes on the wall since i have it covered with panels which I'm not planning to remove. Wall socket is a double socket so I was wondering if i can replace it with a cooker control unit as spur for this light circuit? I would need to replace the fuse to 3Amp but it would solve my problem without...

Cooker control unit as spur for additional light circuit?

by Greggerly

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