Rubi DC-250 1200 Water Pump Replacement
Hi, I'm really hoping someone can maybe help. I have a Rubi DC-250 1200 and it looks like the water pump has given up. I can get a replacement pump for it, but I have no idea if it's simple enough to rewire in the new pump? Has anyone tried or done this previously and can advise? Looking at the Rubi manual it doesn't cover the process and I can't seem to source a repair/service manual for it. Any advice/help is appreciated.
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Hi, I'm really hoping someone can maybe help. I have a Rubi DC-250 1200 and it looks like the water pump has given up. I can get a replacement pump for it, but I have no idea if it's simple enough to rewire in the new pump? Has anyone tried or done this previously and can advise? Looking at the Rubi manual it doesn't cover the process and I can't seem to source a repair/service manual for it. Any advice/help is appreciated.
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