Hanging 20kg light fitting
Hanging 20kg light fitting
We are about to hang a oak beam light fitting to our dining rooms
The oak will be hung via a joist in the ceiling .
I fear this may cause the plaster on our ceiling to crack ?
We are a 1970s house in UK if that helps
Example of fitting attached
by Rebecca18
This has been automatically posted in the DIYNot Forum on DIY Talk. The new DIY Forum
Hanging 20kg light fitting
We are about to hang a oak beam light fitting to our dining rooms
The oak will be hung via a joist in the ceiling .
I fear this may cause the plaster on our ceiling to crack ?
We are a 1970s house in UK if that helps
Example of fitting attached
by Rebecca18
This has been automatically posted in the DIYNot Forum on DIY Talk. The new DIY Forum