Flexi question
Flexi question
This may be a silly question!
I've just fitted an IKEA tap and had to change the copper pipework to meet the Flexi hoses that came with the tap. One has a very slight bend in it, and the other s taught but not stretched. It feels loose when "plucked", but is essentially dead straight - is that ok, or are they supposed to have a little bend to them ideally?
by dormermike
This has been automatically posted in the DIYNot Forum on DIY Talk. The new DIY Forum
Flexi question
This may be a silly question!
I've just fitted an IKEA tap and had to change the copper pipework to meet the Flexi hoses that came with the tap. One has a very slight bend in it, and the other s taught but not stretched. It feels loose when "plucked", but is essentially dead straight - is that ok, or are they supposed to have a little bend to them ideally?
by dormermike
This has been automatically posted in the DIYNot Forum on DIY Talk. The new DIY Forum