Converting to Combi or start again
Converting to Combi or start again
Problems with a lot of air getting into system, (bleeding radiators every week) sludge, overflow leaks. No plumbers/engineers have been able to fix over many years. Thinking of converting to combi and redoing bathrooms at same time. Would all the floors need lifting in living room, bedrooms and kitchen to install the combi ? They are quite new and wood/laminate.
by debbiea
This has been automatically posted in the DIYNot Forum on DIY Talk. The new DIY Forum
Converting to Combi or start again
Problems with a lot of air getting into system, (bleeding radiators every week) sludge, overflow leaks. No plumbers/engineers have been able to fix over many years. Thinking of converting to combi and redoing bathrooms at same time. Would all the floors need lifting in living room, bedrooms and kitchen to install the combi ? They are quite new and wood/laminate.
by debbiea
This has been automatically posted in the DIYNot Forum on DIY Talk. The new DIY Forum