Blocking up internal window between rooms - brick or batten?

  • Thread starter Cellophaneskies
  • Start date
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  • Views 13
Blocking up internal window between rooms - brick or batten?

Blocking up internal window between rooms - brick or batten?

Hi all

I have a 1.5 x 1m approx ‘window’ in the wall beyween my living room and kitchen. I would like this blocked up and plastered so both sides are just a finished wall. Priority to me is soundproofing between the two rooms.

I’m not sure whether the best approach is bricking it up or having a carpenter install battens and plasterboard. Brick is my instinct as best but I’m not sure if this would require ‘toothing in’ for stability, or would metal ties be adequate? Don’t want the blocked...

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by Cellophaneskies

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